TAO Wellness Med Spa
IV Therapy Menu
Inject Wellness Into Your Life
B12 injections (Methylcobalamin)
Vitamin B12 helps to utilize fats and carbohydrates for energy and make new proteins. Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of our metabolism, blood cells, and nerve function. It also may help in improving concentration, maintaining fertility, antiaging, boosting energy levels, converting fat to energy and mood elevation.
- B12 injections (Methylcobalamin)…$30
- Take home subcutaneous injection - 1 month supply $60
LipoStat Plus injection (Vitamin B6, MICC)
This special lipotropics fat burning injection is a combination of B6, methionine, inositol, choline, and Cyanocobalamin. Each of these ingredients helps the body turn fat into energy and are also powerful antioxidants.
- KPyridoxine (B6): Promotes red blood cell production and converts food to energy.
- K Methionine: Helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and convert to energy.
- K Inositol: Converts food to energy.
- K Choline: Healthy nerve cells, cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy.
- K Cyanocobalamin: Energy, healthy nerve cells.
- LipoStat Plus injection (Vitamin B6, MICC)…$30
- Take home subcutaneous injection - 1 month supply $60
250/500 mL | Normal Saline
It is beneficial for anti-aging, improved mental clarity, energy boost, pain relief, additional recovery, chronic condition prevention, improved cognitive function, fatigue combat, metabolism boost, anti-inflammatory, and stress reduction.
- NAD+ 250 MG / 2HR Infusion $350
- NAD+ 500 MG / 4HR Infusion $550
Infinite Beauty Blend IV
500 mL I Normal Saline
Myers Cocktail| Biotin Vitamin C
It is beneficial for healthy skin, hair, and nails, as well as increased collagen production, increased energy, body detox, and immune boost.
- IV $215
- Infinite Beauty Blend Plus IV: Additional choice of IV push or 2nd 250 mL IV bag of Glutathione $250
Myer Magic IV
500 mL I Normal Saline
Vitamin B-Complex | Vitamin C | Magnesium | Calcium
It is beneficial for immune boost, body detox, increased energy, stress reduction, and inflammation.
- IV $175
Aqua Energize IV
500 mL I Normal Saline
Vitamin B-Complex | Vitamin B12
It is beneficial for increased energy, accelerated metabolism, boosted mood, and combats fatigue.
- IV $135
Tri-Immune Blend IV
500 ml | Normal Saline
Glutathione | Vitamin C | Zinc
Beneficial for immune defense, illness prevention, and recovery. Great before or after traveling and exposure.
- IV $95
Semaglutide for Weight Management
Semaglutide is an FDA-approved anti-obesity medication that complements a diet and exercise program. It reduces appetite, slows down stomach emptying, and increases feelings of fullness.
- $425+ Per Month
- Plus B12 $475+ Per Month
A’ la carte Injections
- K Tri-Immune Blend: Glutathione-Vitamin C-Zinc, Beneficial for immune defense, illness prevention, and recovery. Great before or after traveling and exposure. $40
- K Glutathione: A powerful antioxidant which is naturally produced in the body. It helps remove toxins and free radicals that contribute to aging and certain degenerative diseases. $40
- K Biotin: A vitamin that supports a wide range of metabolic processes, influences cell growth, and may help maintaining blood sugar levels. Biotin may improve skin conditions, brittle nails, thinning hair, diabetes, or nerve pain. $40
- K Vitamin C: A important antioxidant the protects the body's cells from damage. It is necessary to maintain the health of skin, teeth, bone, cartilage, and blood vessels. Vit C helps supports cardiovascular health, compromised immune systems, increased stress, and low energy. $40
- KLipostat
- KB-Complex
- KVitamin B12
Upgrade your 500 mL IV bag to 1,000 mL IV bag – additional $30