TAO Wellness Med Spa
Botox® & Jeaveau
Whether you are looking to get a jump start on aging or looking to turn back the hands of time and address wrinkles that have already made their mark, the team of specialists at Tao Wellness Med Spa is here to help. They have a deep understanding of facial anatomy, enabling them to place BOTOX or Jeuveau injections in the areas that will be most effective in revealing a beautiful, youthful appearance.
How Does BOTOX & Jeuveau Work?
Dynamic wrinkles begin as the lines that form when you make facial movements, such as frown lines. If you look in a mirror, these lines are likely to become more prominent with certain facial movements, such as smiling and laughing. When the facial muscles move, the muscle movement causes the skin to fold and crease. As we age, skin loses collagen and elasticity and doesn’t bounce back like it used to, leaving behind the folds and creases created by dynamic movement. When this occurs, those dynamic wrinkles can transition to static wrinkles that remain even when your face isn’t moving.
Both BOTOX and Jeuveau are considered neuromodulators, meaning they affect the signals sent from nerves to muscles. In this case, the neuromodulator is Botulinum toxin type A. During treatment, BOTOX or Jeuveau is injected into the muscles responsible for dynamic wrinkles. When injected, the nerve signals that make the muscles contract are blocked, leaving the muscles relaxed. This muscle relaxation minimizes skin movement and allows the wrinkles to relax, delivering a more youthful appearance.
What Types of Wrinkles Do BOTOX and Jeuveau Treat?
BOTOX and Jeuveau injections target areas where muscle movement affects facial features. This can include:
- Frown lines, known as glabellar lines
- Crow’s feet, or wrinkles around the eyes
- Forehead creases
- The corners of the mouth
- A cobblestone chin
BOTOX vs Jeuveau: What’s the Difference?
Both BOTOX and Jeuveau contain the same active ingredient and are both designed to target dynamic wrinkles. The main difference is seen in their specific formula and can affect things like the amount needed per dose, how the product spreads, and how quickly patients experience results. For example, Jeuveau may show results sooner and it also spreads out further from the direct treatment site. This makes it perfect for larger areas, like the forehead while BOTOX can be much more precise, targeting smaller areas, such as around the eyes. During your initial consultation, your provider will determine which treatment will provide the results you are hoping to achieve.
Am I a Good Candidate for BOTOX or Jeuveau?
If you have lived a life full of smiles and adventure, chances are you have your share of dynamic wrinkles, even if they are just starting to show. As long as your overall health is good and you have realistic expectations for your treatment, you are a good candidate for BOTOX or Jeuveau. However, you are not a good candidate if:
- You have allergies to any ingredients found in BOTOX or Jeuveau
- Have a milk allergy
- You have a current skin infection in the area around the treatment location
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding
- You have an underlying muscle or nerve condition, such as myasthenia gravis
- You take specific medications, such as blood thinners or muscle relaxers
- Are over 65 years of age
Real Patient Results
What to Expect During Your Treatment
BOTOX or Jeuveau treatments begin with an initial consultation that will evaluate the areas you are looking to address, as well as go over your complete medical history to evaluate you for treatment. During this consultation, it is important to disclose any allergies and all the medications you are currently taking, including over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin.
When you come in for your initial treatment, your provider may apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area before injections. The BOTOX or Jeuveau is then injected into strategic points in the muscle in order to achieve optimal results. Most people describe these injections as a pinching feeling. In general, a single treatment takes about 15 to 30 minutes, and you are able to return to your regular activities immediately following the treatment.
BOTOX and Jeuveau Results
While both BOTOX and Jeuveau are similar when it comes to injections, the result times can be different. Neither treatment will provide immediate results. While BOTOX takes up to a week before you see anything noticeable, Jeuveau can start showing changes within a couple of days. Results from either treatment typically last 3-5 months before a repeat treatment is necessary to maintain results.
- First Time Client $10/unit
- VIP Member rate $11/unit
- Non-Member rate $13.00/unit
Frequently Asked Questions About Botox® & Jeuveau
Are BOTOX and Jeuveau considered safe?
BOTOX and Jeuveau are FDA-approved and considered safe when administered by an experienced injector. When considering BOTOX or Jeuveau, it is important to choose a provider like those from Tao Wellness Med Spa that have extensive knowledge of facial anatomy and the experience and skill necessary to achieve safe, quality injection results.
What age is the best to start BOTOX or Jeuveau treatments?
We all age differently, so there is no specific age at which BOTOX or Jeuveau injections are recommended. While one person may not experience wrinkling until later in life, others may show early signs of aging in their early 20s. Others may not show signs at all but are looking to try and prevent wrinkles and lines from developing.
Are these injections painful?
BOTOX and Jeuveau injections are similar to a vaccine and may cause minimal discomfort at the time of injection. To minimize this, your provider may apply a topical anesthetic before your treatment begins.
How long do my results last?
You will begin seeing results from your BOTOX or Jeuveau treatments within a week, with the full results revealed around the one-month mark. How long results last will vary and depend on the person, the area treated, and the specific injection used. In general, results last between 3 to 6 months before another treatment is necessary to maintain results.